My Samsung refrigerator has been a problem since day 1 although it took me about two weeks to report the first problem. There was moisture along the side of the right door that didn't make sense, especially because the left door had no moisture. The dealer replaced that door due to a dent and forgot to install the rubber gasket to slow the air exchange between the air inside and outside the refrigerator.

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Building a House: Samsung Appliance Package a Mistake!
My kitchen designer at ProSource recommended Milcarsky Appliances. The designer was a dream to work with so I trusted her recommendation. Then I made a big mistake. I went with their recommendation to get a Samsung appliance package even though I knew several years earlier, lots of appliance stores were refusing to sell Samsung.
Here's a list of the problems I've had with my Samsung appliances over the last four years. My decision after this experience is once the three year warranty expires, I'll replace appliances rather than waste time and money on Samsung repairs.
- Refrigerator door – needed a gasket installed to stop air leaks and moisture buildup.
- Refrigerator ice maker – replaced twice and with third failure, it's time to replace the entire refrigerator as we know it's simply a bad design!
- Freezer drawer – was totally rebuilt using a combination of new and existing parts, and the top basket doesn't move smoothly today.
- Dishwasher electronic control panel – replaced after two/more service calls … because the darn thing wouldn't start!
- Microwave died at 3 years, 4 months (no power)- so I used my neighbors microwave for Christmas dinner and then … bought a KitchenAid microwave!

- Dryer lint basket – to this day is impossible to open without a screwdriver or knife. They brought out a replacement but it had the same problem so my solution is to try and keep it open which works about half the time.
- Washer and dryer – both leave small puddles of water on the floor. It's random and difficult to capture in photos so I've never reported this to Samsung. My hyper-sensitivity to this problem is due to the mold issue when my house flooded.
- Stove – hasn't had any problems yet but this might be due to limited “once a month” use as my Breville Compact Smart Toaster Oven is perfect for most meals .

Appliances Depend on a Reliable Service Company
While the new appliance companies like Samsung and LG are working out the flaws in their appliance designs and manufacturing, that's not the biggest problem. They simply lack enough service personnel and parts inventory to provide reliable service, so it wasn't unusual to wait a month or more to get the ice maker fixed.
Even worse, in central Florida Samsung started using an electronic (think smart phones and computers) repair company to handle appliances. The problem is they don't know how to install appliances so after my dishwasher was repaired, my sons discovered a leak under the kitchen sink because they didn't know how to reconnect the lines after moving the dishwasher to make repairs.

GE Brand Is Reliable Based on Personal Experience
Owning 15 houses over the years, I've bought a few appliances.

{quote]A funny story about these two refrigerators. They look the same … almost. The smaller GE refrigerator (22.1 cu ft) on the left is counter depth, explaining the lower storage capacity. The larger refrigerator (27.7 cu ft) is 36.75 inches excluding handles, providing an extra 5.5 cu ft of storage. My old refrigerator was smaller but with Covid, the kids are spending a lot more time at my house … so I now want the larger refrigerator.[/quote]
Refrigerator Specs I Did (and Didn't) Want

More Tips on Buying Appliances
Obviously I've bought a few appliances giving I'm living in house number 15. Unfortunately I didn't follow my own advice here because building a house involves hundreds of decisions. That means you have to prioritize your time and I spent so much time visiting the house every day, I didn't have the time to research appliances.
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