Guest – Michelle Reynolds
Wondering how to turn holiday activities into teaching moments?
Everyone loves the holidays but often we (women) try to do too much. It’s easy to end up so exhausted we don’t enjoy ourselves. That’s why we’ve asked experts to share 24 holiday tips with you, to re-balance how you spend your time and money during this holiday season. We hope you enjoy all of Michelle's ideas for including children in holiday activities, at home and in the community.
Favorite Holiday Activity
Michelle welcomes Christmas with a family breakfast on December 1st. The children look forward to this day because that's when their 2 “Elfs on a Shelf” come to visit with lots of surprises throughout the holidays.
3 Tips: Empowering Children Through Holiday Activities
Michelle's 10 years of teaching experience are invaluable at home with her own children, as well as her business Back 2 Basics Family. She shared several stories about including her children in holiday decisions and implementation has helped them grow in confidence, and given her more free time. Of course it also means she has to be more accepting of things that aren't perfect, and that's a good thing to learn (and practice). So here are ways to make
- Involve your children in planning holiday activities, and they'll be more willing to make things happen. This can include making gifts and loved Michelle's story about painting rocks with inspirational words, and giving them to people in the hospital. Let the kids decorate the house, the tree, wrap presents and plan/cook holiday meals.
- Give the children ways to earn money, so they can purchase some gifts themselves. Help them plan which gifts to make and which to buy, and they'll be on their way to learning how to budget.
- Random acts of kindness is magical for everyone. They print cards, and every family member carries several with them to leave behind after they've left their gift. It teaches the kids to look for others in need, and to help in unusual ways – adding money to a parking meter, buying a homeless person something to eat. Michelle shared how her daughter paid for the person behind them at Dunkin Donuts.
If you'd like to listen to Michelle and I talking about her tips, click to listen to the recording …
Most Important Holiday Goal
Spending time with friends and family, and making others feel good. Michelle is proud that her family has learned that the holidays are about people and experiences, not bigger and better gifts.
For more holiday tips, click here …
And a Free Gift (click the hands)
Happy Holidays Everyone
Elf photo credit to … and please leave a comment with your favorite elf hiding place.
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