Home theaters make more sense these days as the investment you make in your home means you'll enjoy your home more, and increase it's value. It makes sense as we're not moving as often and we're entertaining at home more. Home theaters also save us time, as there's less planning than going out to …
Scarecrows, Pumpkins and Priorities
Scarecrows were really hard to find as I drove around southern NH last weekend. Most scarecrows were the store bought variety rather than home grown, which seems to be a sign of the times. People are spending more time on their computers (guilty) and that leaves less time for fun projects around …
Technology Spending Exceeds Utility Bills
Americans love their technology so much that we're now spending more money on technology than traditional utilities which include our lights, hot water, heating and cooling. How is that possible? When television came onto the market, there was one TV per household and now haw many TVs do you have …
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New Inventions Focus on Energy Savings
Among Time Magazine's top 50 inventions for 2009, 5 of them focused on home improvements and 4 of these were related to improving energy efficiency. From the short abstracts provided by Time, at least one ($10 Million Lightbulb) has been entered into a contest for the most efficient replacement …
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Energy Vampires: Find & Tame Them
Many electronic devices continue to draw power when they're turned off. Some of these are intentional, i.e. your television remote will only work if there's power in the television to receive signals. Unfortunately this standby power wastes a tremendous amount of energy ... or roughly 68 …