Guest – Jamie Willett
Wondering how to deal with holiday stress?
We love the holidays but often try to do too much. It’s easy to get stressed and end up so exhausted we don’t enjoy ourselves. That’s why we’re hosting experts to share 24 holiday tips to help you re-balance how you spend your time during this holiday season. We hope you enjoy these simple tips that can help you overcome holiday stress, so you can enjoy this wonderful time of year.
Favorite Holiday Activity
Jamie's family tradition making a large (100+) batch of cookies over a full day, is what she loves best. The unique recipe (she's not sharing) has been passed down through several generations and she's thrilled to pass this along to her children.
3 Tips: Overcoming Holiday Stress to Enjoy Yourself.
Jamie is co-founded Front Burner Mama on Facebook, so she knows how easily women find themselves on overwhelm. We're so busy taking care of everyone else, and forgetting to take care ourselves … that her business focuses on teaching women how to make themselves a priority. She and her partner know firsthand, that if you don't take care of yourself, it's almost impossible to care for those you love the way you want.
Here are Jamie's top 3 tips for overcoming holiday stress, so you and those you love will enjoy the holidays more than ever.
- Practice deep breathing with several deep belly breaths. Close your eyes, put your hands on your stomach and breath in and out slowly, letting your belly extend out fully. You can do this exercise sitting and it only takes a minute. You'll relax and think more clearly, with more oxygen circulating through your body.
- Allow yourself grace, and focus on what you've accomplished. Yes, even if we don't finish everything on our list … it's probably because the list was too long and you should congratulate yourself on everything you did complete. As Jamie shared, it's all in how you look at your days … is the glass half full, or half empty – you get to decide.
- Practice self care by asking for, and accepting help from someone else. If you can shift your thinking to see that asking for help is a sign of strength because you're willing to be vulnerable, you'll get more done and feel better too. Also recognize that when other's help you, it makes them feel good that they're able to do this. Don't worry about having to return the favor, as more and more, people are learning that paying it forward is about getting help when you need it, and helping others when you can.
Click below to listen to Jamie and I talking about her tips on managing around the holidays …
Most Important Holiday Goal
What Jamie looks forward to most during the holidays is spending time with family and friends, and the connectedness that it brings. This happens when they sing Christmas carols and read The Night Before Christmas.
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