Guest – Famira Green
Need tips on clearing the clutter in your closet?
Everyone loves the holidays but often we (women) try to do too much. It’s easy to end up so exhausted we don’t enjoy ourselves. That’s why we’re hosting experts to share 24 holiday tips to help you re-balance how you spend your time and money during this holiday season. We know it's fun to dress up for those special holiday occasions, and we've got some great ideas from Famira to make it easier to find that perfect outfit.
Favorite Holiday Activity
Famira's favorite holiday activity is all about the Christmas tree. She's carried this tradition from her childhood family to today – going together to pick out a live tree and decorating it together. Famira's Dad always hung the lights while she and her mother put the bulbs and other decorations up.
3 Tips: Organizing Closet Clutter & Gifting to Others
Famira is a style coach, and the founder of Diamond DIVA International. Her passion is about empowering women to pick a wardrobe style that matches their inner self, their goals and the message you have to share with others. She knows your style (what's in your closet) shouldn't be random – your wardrobe should shout who you are!
That's why Famira is excited to share these tips for cleaning out your closet so you can easily find and wear the clothes that make you feel and look great, because they're consistent with your inner self. When you know why you're gifting, there's less chance of “charity remorse” … or maybe that's the only way you'll finally treat yourself to a new winter coat?
- Evaluate your style and decide what you want your wardrobe to say about you. This will make it much easier to decide what to keep, and what to let go off … and you probably know this because it hasn't been worn in 6 months or longer.
- Filter out those items you now realize don't align with how you want to be viewed – dresses, pants, shirts, sweaters, shoes and accessories.
- Gift only things you'd be happy to get. That means if there are stains, rips or tears or the clothing is simply too worn to be considered in good condition, drop into the trash. There are many local organizations that welcome women's clothing and more – women's shelters like A Safe Place, Dress for Success, many churches have thrift shops or national organizations like the Salvation Army.
If you’d like to listen to Linda and I talking about her tips, click the video below …
Most Important Holiday Goal
For the holidays, Famira enjoys all the usual activities with family and food. She feels that it's important during the holidays, to remember the reason for the season, to recognize the birth of Christ and honor him with everything you do.
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