If you are struggling with where to put all the stuff that comes into the home everyday, read on to get some organizing tips. As a mother of three grown kids and the wife of a retired career military officer, I look back over the years and remember the daily challenges of getting the kids off to school every day, keeping a clean and organized house, driving to various extracurricular activities, and keeping multiple schedules straight. Let’s be honest … it’s a tough job!
Creating a Home Command Center
Most mothers prefer to not consider their role of a mom as a job, but it is. It is the most important job you will ever have. Think of yourself as the CEO of the house. Having the right tools to help you organize your time and household will not only make your job easier, it will reduce your stress and provide more quality time with your family.
Every professional knows that without the right tools and preparation, it is hard to execute their daily responsibilities effectively and efficiently. A doctor needs a good stethoscope to listen to a patient’s heart; a chef only uses good quality knives and a mechanic cannot fix a car without a good socket set. Do you have time management and space organization tools in place within your home to set your family up for success? Most households have what we, at KC Streamline Concepts, like to call the “Dumping Zone.” Papers, mail, bills to pay, kids’ homework or projects and other stuff piles up here, and it becomes an overwhelming task to sort through it all.
Every family can benefit from establishing a “Home Command Center” (HCC) in their home. Here are some simple and easily implemented tools every household can use to create an efficient and clutter free HCC, where you can manage your children’s activities, arrange appointments, pay bills on time, note important dates, and even manage a home-based business.
- To get started, choose the perfect location for your center. It could be on a kitchen counter top, a spot in the family room or a bedroom, or even in your home office. Inform your family of the location and include your children in the process of building the center. Learning organizing skills at a young age will serve them well in the future.
- Place a trashcan and paper shredder near the center. Open your mail next to the trashcan and toss away envelopes, inserts, and junk mail. Shred any documents you receive containing personal information if you do not plan to file them.
- Purchase “In/Out/File” trays at your local office supplies store. Place unprocessed mail and papers in the “In” tray. Use the “Out” tray for out-going mail or items you need to take with you to appointments. The “File” tray is only for papers that need to be filed away in your file drawer.
- Get yourself a good calendar in a style that works for you (Daily, weekly, or monthly view). Note all birthdays, events, project deadlines, children’s activities, bill deadlines, etc. as soon as you learn of them.
- Establish a Contact Management System in your HCC. Options could include a Roladex, an address book, or an email manager such as OutLook or Entourage.
- Consider purchasing an Alpha-Omega OrganizerTM, which is the only complete, turnkey, and portable paper filing system on the market that will assist you in organizing your time sensitive documents and schedule. De-cluttering your living and work space will reduce your stress and optimize your productivity.
It is never too late to create a well-organized household in which your family can live and thrive. Set aside time to put the right tools in place, and you will benefit from a less stressful life and extra time with your family.
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