Heating might be the furthest thing from your mind right now, but all HVAC systems need a seasonal checkup at least once a year. Calling in a tech keeps all of the system's components working like they should. It also helps identify potential problems before they have a chance to take hold and cause real damage.

Here are a few reasons why now is the right time to schedule a maintenance checkup.
Problems with HVAC Systems Aren't Always Obvious
Your home might be cool and comfy at the moment, but that doesn't mean everything is okay. Some HVAC problems don't have a lot of symptoms until the situation has critical. By then, you might find yourself looking squarely into the eyes of a hefty repair bill.
Regular maintenance can also prolong the life of your HVAC systems. When problems are left to worsen, some damage might become either irreparable or costly to remedy. Maintenance, on the other hand, is a cost-effective way to extend the life of your heating and air condition units.

Heating Season Isn't That Far Off
It might still officially be summer, but fall is rapidly approaching. The closer we get, the cooler nights become. You can bundle up with comforters and quilts to stay warm at night and even use space heaters in chillier areas. But when your HVAC system is working well, all you'll need to do is flip a switch. Or let your programable thermostat take over responsibility for maintainable a comfortable temperature.
The worst time to discover something is wrong with your furnace or heat pump is on a Friday evening, when the temperature goes below what you expected. Weekend repair calls can also be more expensive than weekday maintenance. (Read: 5 Fall Home Maintenance Jobs to Tackle Early)
HVAC Technician Calendars Fill up Fast
With the change of seasons, you can bet your HVAC technician gets plenty of calls. Families who turn on one of their HVAC systems to learn it's not working might even get higher priority than maintenance calls. Scheduling maintenance now could mean you'll get quicker service.

Maintenance isn't especially involved. The technician will replace the filter, oil moving parts, check components such as wiring, heat exchangers and burners, and perform other routine tasks. Conversely, a system that's broken requires troubleshooting plus all of the repair work, which may include ordering and installing replacement parts.
Tuned Up HVAC Systems Will Save Money
There's a difference between working and working well. Even if your furnace or heat pump produces heat, it might still need some minor repairs. Get it taken care of now, and you'll save money on your heating bills throughout the winter. (Read: Home Improvements to Reduce Heating Costs)
If your technician thinks your system is on its last legs, he may also perform a heat-loss calculation to determine the best system for your home. It's not all about the highest BTUs, says Danny Lipford of Today's Homeowner. Finding out now gives you the time to research, shop for the best price and get your new system installed before the cold weather really hits.
Maintaining HVAC systems is just one more responsibility that goes with owning a house. Just like visiting your doctor regularly, your heating and air conditioning systems also need routine checkups. That's the only way to keep them running well, and also the most convenient way to find out if something is wrong.
Does home maintenance leave your perplexed? It doesn't have to. Get your copy of our ebook, “Putting Home Maintenance on Autopilot,” and you'll get valuable tools to help you keep your home running right.
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