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November 2012, Do No Call Email Still a Hoax
Once again there's email circulating about “Cell Phone Numbers Go Public this month” and instructions to call 888-382-1222 from your cell phone to register the number with the FCC's Do Not Call list. Important facts to know:
- Do Not Call registration is permanent.
- To register your phone number online, go to (and never enter any personal information on a site that doesn't have the “s” after https, which indicates it's a secure webpage>
October 2012, Second Mortgages Rebound
According to the Washington Post in an article about banks making second mortgages available again, said “… Federal Reserve recently reported that American homeowners’ equity stakes rose by $406 billion during the second quarter … the highest that figure has been since 2008.”
September 2012, U.S. Economic and Housing Market Outlook
“Measured relative to square footage, homes built since 2000 have fuel costs that are about 30 percent lower than that of homes built before 1960.” from
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