In the US we have clean water and water shortages are our challenge. For example, the New York Times wrote that “… Arizona could be forced to cut water deliveries to its two largest cities unless states that tap the dwindling Colorado River find ways to reduce water consumption. Forecasts that Lake Mead, a Colorado River reservoir that is the network’s sole water source, will fall next month (July 2014) to a level not seen since the lake was first filled in 1938.”
The US government has introduced a new program, WaterSense to help Americans reduce water. This is similar to the more familiar EnergySmart's focus on saving energy. But our water issues pale in comparison to those around the world where …
3.4 million people
die each year from water born diseases.
Most don't know their water isn't safe to drink.
Solutions Provide Clean Water to 3rd World Countries
Fortunately there are groups like, working to find low cost solutions that will purify this water. The WATERisLIFE straw is a small, portable filtration device for use by one person, for an entire year. The straws save lives (6,500 deaths each day, and 5,000 are children) on a daily basis by filtering out waterborne diseases like cholera, typhoid, dysentery and more. A straw costs only $10 and provides one year of clean water, for one person.
Another incredible solution is the Drinkable Book, which is packaged like a book. It's not like other books though as it serves multiple purposes which are pretty amazing. and it's pages are treated with … to provide villages with clean water. What's fascinating is thus book:
- The book teaches safe water habits with messages printed on each page explaining things like the dangers of waterborne diseases.
- The pages are coated with chemicals, and work like a scientific coffee filter to purify the water that is poured over it.
- The books are packaged with a box that is used in the purification process.
There are numerous videos (favorite below) and lots of stories at I hope these solutions will motivate you to find a way to make this world a better place for everyone.
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