Bathrooms are right behind kitchens in importance, so they are a great place to invest your remodeling dollars. Women especially spend quite a bit of time in the bathroom from our morning rituals to giving our kids a bath. One of my favorite memories is practicing multiplication tables with Ryan …
Tips 4 More Bathroom Storage
Bathrooms are really small. They're the smallest rooms in the house and we try to stuff an incredible amount of "stuff" into our bathrooms. The problem with too much stuff ... is you can't find what you want, when you want or need it. If you've had this problem, you'll want to explore with us, how …
Popcorn Ceilings & Please Don’t Eat It
What are popcorn ceilings? Most people equate popcorn with going to the movies and munching on the fluffy white stuff while sitting back and relaxing at the movie theater or at home. What does popcorn have to do with our homes? Many home owners remember when they had a popcorn ceiling and wanted to …
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2009 Remodeling Trends
Remodeling is a great alternative to moving. It's a lot of work but when you think about getting your home ready to sell, the actual selling process plus packing, moving and unpacking is even more work. Coupled with the current housing marketing, many homeowners are deciding to remodel, i.e. create …
Holiday Safety Tips
Holidays are great fun, but don't forget safety. During the holidays we put up decorations, we do a lot more baking and cooking and of course, lots more visiting with friends and family. People aren't following their normal routines and that's why accidents are more likely. It's worth reviewing the …
Single Women Home Buyers
Women are waiting longer to marry so it makes sense that single women represent more than 20% of new home buyers, and more than 40% of these women are first time home buyers. It's exciting to see women developing the skills, and more important, the confidence to make life changing decisions like …