Homeowner Products
When you want more help maintaining & updating your home.
The Benefit of Using Our Homeowner Products
You can spend hours online searching for answers to your questions. You can find project descriptions (articles and videos) with you step-by-step directions on how to replace a faucet, garbage disposal or build a bookcase. There are lots of challenges to doing this:
- You have to know what you're searching for, and use the right terminology. That's why we're building a homeowner glossary.
- You need enough knowledge to know the information found is correct and complete. For example, half the videos about repairing a garbage disposal skip step #1, trying the reset button.
- You need enough time and patience, to scan five to eight articles, and read three to five of them, to assemble the complete picture correctly. I know because that's what I had to do the first few years running my handyman business.
Our homeowner products focus on making your research and planning go faster, and more smoothly. The ebooks and webinars bring together all the information you need to understand your choices, plan your project and make implementation easier. There are worksheets to help you organize the information you collect, and make decisions to help keep your projects on budget.
Our solution for homeowners who want more support is the Savvy Homeowner Club. If you want to understand how your house was built, how key systems function, what causes problems and more, this is where you can get personal support. This membership program offers online Q&A support, weekly calls to discuss homeowner projects plus information and resources only available behind the door.